Too Human Database

For normal achievements, go here

Symbol Name Description Gamerpoints
Through the Halls Through the Halls Hall of Heroes has been completed (all tokens collected) in Single Player or Online Coop Play. 80 G
Frozen Vengeance Frozen Vengeance Ice Forest has been completed (all tokens collected) in Single Player or Online Coop Play. 80 G
The One That Got Away… The One That Got Away… World Serpent has been completed (all tokens collected) in Single Player or Online Coop Play. 80 G
To Hel and Back To Hel and Back Helheim has been completed (all tokens collected) in Single Player or Online Coop Play. 80 G
Unstoppable-Hall of Heroes Unstoppable: Hall of Heroes Hall of Heroes has been completed without dying. 10 G
Unstoppable-Ice Forest Unstoppable: Ice Forest Ice Forest has been completed without dying. 15 G
Unstoppable-World Serpent Unstoppable: World Serpent World Serpent has been completed without dying. 15 G
Unstoppable-Helheim Unstoppable: Helheim Helheim has been completed without dying. 20 G
Force to be Reckoned With Force to be Reckoned With 100 Elite enemies annihilated. 5 G
Bane to Goblins Bane to Goblins 2,500 Goblins defeated. 30 G
Avenger of the Slain Avenger of the Slain 1,000 Undead slain. 30 G
Hunter of Elfkin Hunter of Elfkin 500 Dark Elves defeated. 30 G
Slayer of Trollkind Slayer of Trollkind 50 Trolls defeated by mounting. 30 G
Exultation of Steel Exultation of Steel Hel has been defeated by the Cybernetic Baldur. 30 G
Triumph of Humanity Triumph of Humanity Hel has been defeated by the Human Baldur. 30 G
Feeder of Ravens Feeder of Ravens Killed 10,000 enemies. 10 G
The Blood of Heralds The Blood of Heralds 100 enemy leaders conquered. 10 G
NORN Novice NORN Novice First Cyberspace Well has been activated. 5 G
The Call of Battle The Call of Battle First Battle Cry unlocked. 5 G
Trial of Ascendance Trial of Ascendance Complete a Level 1 Charm. 5 G
Valkyrie's Folly Valkyrie's Folly Died 100 times. 5 G